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May 05, 2006
Comic Strip

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May 05, 2006 - 15:15:44
In my case, I tell the hairdresser not to style my hair, but they always do. Does styling have to require poofyness?
Also, I usually wear some scrubby outfit (something I don't care about getting hair-bits on) to the hairdresser which always contrasts with my clean new 'doo.

May 05, 2006 - 15:16:19
I forgot to take credit for my post! Rating: 5 

May 05, 2006 - 17:50:11
Nicely drawn, in my opinion, and a nice idea. Rating: 5 

May 05, 2006 - 21:40:37
That is why I cut my own hair. Why pay someone to screw it up when I can do just as bad for free. Rating: 5 

May 07, 2006 - 12:41:03
I always keep an extra shirt at work. After a haircut I usually change my shirt, because after the barber is done with the work he undoes the neck think and sprays a little bit of itchy hair down my back. I don't know why they always do that. 

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